It's Somebody's Birthday Today
Rainbow Brite, and Birthday Party Guests

Hooray! Hooray!
Today's a very special day
Today is somebody's birthday

Three cheers, Applause
We love this day because
Today is somebody's birthday

Everybody here knows
just whose birthday this one is
Oh, wow
Just think!
Gee whiz
And furthermore

Hooray! Hooray!
It's a very special day!
It's somebody's birthday today!


We'd like to send our greetings
And we'd like to send our love

To a certain individual that this is the birthday of

Hooray! Hooray!
It's a very special day!
It's somebody's birthday today!

Hooray! Hooray!
It's a very special day
It's a somebody's birthday to
Somebody's birthday to
Somebody's birthday today


Whose birthday is it?
Who did you say?
I can't hear you!
Whose birthday is it?
Well now that we all know who the guest of honor is, lets get set to have some fun!
